Master French to Explore the World!
« Join our online courses to explore French culture and learn the basics of the French language, exclusively for individuals aged 50 and over. »

“ It’s never too late to learn
French and discover the
beauty of French culture”
Live Virtual Classes
« Join our online courses to explore French culture and learn the basics of the French language, exclusively for individuals aged 50 and over. Whether you plan to travel to France or simply want to experience the culture from home, these courses are designed to enrich your journey. »

« Our intensive 10-week face-to-face online French group courses have been designed for seniors wishing to discover the basics of the French language and its culture. »
Here’s why you can trust us

« Learn the basics of French to confidently navigate and enjoy your experience in France. »

« Virtually explore the diverse regions of France and their unique culinary traditions from the comfort of your home. »

« Discover the rich culture, traditions, and customs of the French people. »
Learn French
« Join our online courses for seniors and discover the beauty of French culture with FrenchieAlice. »